Today marks 7 weeks since I first entered the world of full time work. Two years of preschool, thirteen years of school, four years of uni, and here I am. When I entered my new office on the first day they had a sign up in the kitchen it read “Welcome Emily” I feel as though the sign above would have been more appropriate! My welcome sign featured two images, one of a computer and the other a phone. This should have been enough of a warning that “reality” is not sitting on the uni lawn eating sushi with girls. Ignoring the signs I remained “Keen”. I washed down my cake quickly so I could return to my desk. When my first phone call came I was filled with excitement as I could finally put my social work skills to good use. Little did I know at the time that these phone calls would never stop and seven weeks on the sound of my phone ringing would send shivers down my spine. Despite this, I love my job so far! My colleagues are experienced hard workers that make me want to pick their brains, and they kindly fuel my Tim Tam addiction on a daily basis. So here I sit, eagerly awaiting my first week on pager duty. I can't wait to be on the job 24 hours a day for 1 week learning on my feet in stressful situations. If the pager doesn’t go off all week I think I’ll cry!!!
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