Image taken from http://www.innosight.com/blog/uploads/blogshakespearecomic.bmp
Recently I have resisted the temptation to write here in order to re assert who has control of the blogging situation. I found myself looking at my life thinking “oh that would make a great blog” or “oh no, today wasn’t that exciting, I have nothing to blog about.” I hope to avoid the personal pressure of writing a daily or weekly blog to ensure that I only write at times when I have something genuinely interesting to say… I understand that the entire two people who read this lead moderately busy lives and therefore do not want to be held up as I blab on about something totally uninspiring and bland. If I have nothing to write, I simply won’t write. This brings me to today, I really have nothing to say. My room has returned to its usual messy state, men are frustrating and fabulous, work is busy, tea is awesome and all the conversation that occurs in my home is related to wedding plans. Therefore, from where I am standing everything is normal in the world making it a good time to hit the hay!
Oh, check this out http://jafablog.typepad.com/ a taxi driver in Sydney blogs about his experiences, I find it fascinating. Everyone has always thought that taxi drivers must see some pretty crazy stuff, now we can hear it from the horse’s mouth!
p.s. I suggest you continue to read my blog even if you do decide you enjoy the blogs of the taxi driver, I can be interesting too. Share the love!!