IMAGE: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/racing/like-father-like-son/story-e6frey6r-1111118924521
Yesterday, my friend and I treated ourselves to a day at the races. This is pretty much the perfect day in my mind. Lets take a look at the obvious benefits
1) Daytime drinking: after drinking yesterday for roughly 12 hours I woke up this morning feeling perfect!!! It’s currently 8:00am and I am as right as rain!
2) Girls in dresses: Yesterday I think I saw every dress currently for sale in Sydney. Not joking! Every style of dress and accessory was on show. There were people wearing fascinators twice the size of their heads! Personally I am a huge people watcher and seeing how tan in a can and a pretty dress can change a girl’s self esteem from zero to hero in seconds never ceases to amaze me!
3) Boys in suits: Even the saddest looking males can feel spunky in a suit. If fitted properly a basic black suit and shirt can make a hedgehog look spiffy! Above all this, yesterday I found that suits make males more gentlemanly. I lapped it up as men stepped out of the way, or held open the door as ladies past- even if it was only so they could get a cheeky stare from behind. If this is what the world used to be like I think I could handle it.
4) Talking: I openly admit I am quite the little chatter box. When clubbing, it is hard to ear bash people over the sound of whatever doof doof is playing. Yesterday I had some of the best conversations with randoms ever! It seems that when you socialize throughout the day people become more real and approachable. Yesterday we met an awesome bunch of randoms when we realized we were all waving our tickets in the air yelling “go number two!!”. Even though our horse didn’t place, I felt like a winner, I made new drinking buddies, whilst enjoying the opportunity to scream and yell like an idiot publicly, about something I knew nothing about.
5) Finally, I’ve never been a gambler but betting on the horses has to be the way to do it. Yesterday I could not wipe the smile off my face! After grinning like a maniac for 8 hours straight I am surprised I can move my mouth this morning. I got a huge thrill out of pushing through a sea of people to the TAB whilst debating with a stallion of the male form about which horse would win based on their pretty names. Then we faced the mad rush back to the green as the red lights were flashing and the race was about to start. I ended my betting days $2.50 down but I think that is a small price to pay...
All in all, the races are a great day out! Hopefully next weekend I will be standing on the green, wearing a funny hat, once again screaming about something I know nothing about.
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