Photo thanks to www.babble.com
After months of having a disgusting messy room I have finally restored it to its original form. It feels damn good!!! I am looking forward to climbing into my freshly made bed tonight with my crisp sheets and fluffy bed spread. I woke up this morning and knew where my clothes were. This meant I had so much extra time I slotted in breakfast, made a salad and had a play with little Sasha. I felt better about myself knowing that my jeans had been hanging rather than kicking around the floor.
When I did hospitality we were told that a messy cooking space created a messy meal. I must say, a messy room equals a messy mind. The filing cabinets in my brain are finally thanking me now everything has its spot. Although not all my thoughts are sorted, complete, or ordered at least they are getting closer to where they are supposed to be. So to my fellow mess makers, clean your rooms. Believe it or not you may actually enjoy the outcome.
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