It seems to me that there comes a time where you grow up and really appreciate what you have. In the day to day grind of work and mundane activities we sometimes forget how lucky we are. For some, it only takes a short weekend away to realise exactly what they have. For me I have found that after having the same group of girl friends for over a decade we often get on each other’s nerves. Over the past 12 months I have started to see that when push comes to shove we are there for each other when it really counts. “Frenemies” relates to the friendship where people are friends to your face but enemies the moment you turn your back. I have to say, me and my girls are the opposite. Face to face we can often give each other hell but with my back turned I know these are the girls who will jump to my defense. We’re the lucky ones, for now we still have the opportunity to get away, have a few drinks and a sing along to reunite. I hate to think of the number of friendships which go down the drain due to not having the time to maintain them. Like anything worth having, friendships- strong and enduring ones, take work. I hope 20 years from now we can put children, jobs, partners, houses, pets and other responsibilities on hold and have a weekend together, drinking and dancing, passing out with five in a bed and then waking in the morning for a cup of tea and chatter filled with giggles and moments when we say “oh remember back when we…”
I blame hallmark and soppy quotes scribbled across girls high school folders for the unrealistic expectations we place on our friends. No matter how much we care about people we are not super heroes and therefore it is impossible for us to know their feelings at every time of the day. There is this idea that a good friend should be able to know we need them without us even asking. I believe this is a common misconception which could have terrible repercussions. Part of being a good friend is respecting that people have their own lives and may not always be able to think of our feelings so we may need to give them the heads up. This doesn’t mean they care any less it just means they too have lives, and really who wants a friend who doesn’t have a life of their own! I reckon the best kind of friendship is one in which we may have to ask for help, but we can rest assured knowing it’s only a phone call away.
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