Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Around this time of year people take some time to reflect and think about what they could do better in the year to come. Having lost two mobile phones in the last 5 months my first new year’s resolution is to not lose my phone all through 2011! My second (amongst many) improvement area is that I would like to focus more on being “humble”. When I talk about people who I respect and admire I find myself so often using the word “humble” to describe them. I tend to think this means quietly confident. I love this quality in people! I don’t consider myself a humble person. I get so excited when I do something well that I tend to tell anyone who will listen. I’m a “talker” and I don’t think being such a chatter box is going to help me with this but I’ll give it a go. So, in 2011 I would like to improve at my job as much as I can so that I can be confident in new and daunting work situations. I want to be quietly confident and remain open to change and new ideas.
In the January issue of Cosmo 2011 they explain that you should have an inspiration board so every day you can face the future which you want to build for yourself, and ultimately through hard work and positivity you should achieve your dreams. These images and words of inspiration should be ideas not objects to purchase in the store. My first word will be “Humble” and I am about to go write it on a pink post it. What would your word be?
Image from
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Around Christmas everyone gives out warm fuzzy messages in cards saying how much people mean to them. What I am wondering is why do we wait? Why wait for a special occasion to tell someone they are doing a good job, are a great friend or that you appreciate them. Yesterday was the day to start telling people how special they are, did you? If not its better late than never so get your warm fuzzy face on!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I’m still standing, standing tall. Making changes big and small.
My life is simple, not moving fast. Day to day, settled at last.
So I watch others with a smile. Knowing it might be me in a while
But for now I keep my pace, wondering through my life, not entering the race.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
ipad fever
Another skills of mum’s is problem solving, with a little bit of stress rash on her neck mum can fix almost any day to day problem, she has juggled three demanding daughters and my dad who might aswell be a child too at times. Now she juggles a house hold with grown up children and children in laws who refuse to fly the nest (at least on a long term basis). Mum designs houses in a flash as she scribbles floor plans on glad bake with such ease. She comes up with designs that are so great she has a team of builders, tilers, electricians and other tradies constantly in a state of impressed shock.
Anyway, you get the picture. The point to this babble is to say that she has many talents however technology is not one of them so why start now? According to the first PC was made in August 1981. I can remember my dad bringing home our first family computer when I was about six. This means mum has had access to a home computer for around 17 years. In this time, despite the constant teasing and many conversations going way over her head, good old mumma K has never even shown an interest in turning one on. My grandmother commenced using computers about 12 years ago as she got into Photoshop, from that moment on all our birthday and Christmas cards featured our faces superimposed into green fields or stuck on top of some random's face in a far away destination. She called these masterpieces granny graphics. At the peak of her computer passion my grandmother offered to assist my sister with her uni assignments on computer stating that she would have them done “easy as pie”. This may have been helpful and not condescending if my sister wasn’t studying to be a graphic designer! (My grandmother is another story for another day!)
So why is it that we are experiencing a technology invasion? Iphones are everywhere, even I am trying to justify purchasing one. People are starting to genuinely believe they need things which they clearly don’t. Pretty much my mother now has a $1000 photo album to take to sewing. Technology is taking away so many of life’s treasures. I loved looking through photo albums with my Nan. How are we going to explain this to our grandchildren “now deary I would like to show you photos of our family history however my ipad became obsolete 40 years ago and I never learnt to back up so our family history went down the drain when my battery died”.
I just don’t understand or appreciate this huge tecnology take over. They are always making something new and it's a constant battle to keep up with the times! For all my teasing, I liked that mum looked in a cook book rather than printed something off a web site. Now she can just google I feel sad for the pages in cook books that go unturned all over the world thanks to computers. Personally for me I like the clutter that comes with being behind the times. I enjoy having my big red diary and pen, a gps, a camera, a phone and an ipod in my handbag. Having a device that could do all these tasks in one would ruin the fun and make me look far less official!
So mum, if your ipad now leads you to start blogging and you come across this, remember the good old days of paper, pens, printing photos and CD's. You are one of the only oldies left behind the times, in a land where there were no computers. I like that you refused to conform and I hope your ipad does not mean that your cook books will sit unopened and our photo albums unloved. I hope you still do Sudoku once a week when they come in the paper rather than letting your ipad have all the fun. Mostly, I beg you, stay off Facebook!!!!!!! It’s bad enough having a mum with cooler toys than me let alone have everyone knwo about it!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Forever 21 Forever
Thanks to my shopaholic sister Laura I have discovered Forever21 online, when I went to America last year I knew I loved the store but did not think of accessing their glorious goodies from my very own trusty computer!! Saying its awesome is an understatement!! I did a big order of 16 items about 3 weeks ago and they arrived on Friday. So happy! I got 2 pairs of really cute socks, heart stockings, a ring, a headband, a jumper, 2x t-shirts and 2x dressy tops for $164. I could not be happier! They have yellow tag deals where they put a few new items online and on sale for 24 hours! Shipping is $30US no matter how much you buy. It’s all such a bargain and the accessories are so cute that there is no chance you could possibly get buyers regret without being an idiot! I advise anyone with a credit card to get amongst it! It will change your wardrobe and your world! Even better do a big order with your friends and only pay postage once! Come on, change your world… You wouldn’t…
wedding bliss and make-up miss
The make-up artist who came to make us pretty was vile. She kept calling us “sexy” and “chickie babe” and I was thinking “umm lady we just met”. She knew I worked with kids in foster care and then kept on going on and on and on about my height and asking why my mum was so short. She delighted in touching my head when I stood up even though my hair was just done. It was a stressful morning which I had wanted to enjoy chatting to my sister and the other brides’ maids but this woman would not shut up and give us a chance. In summary she thought she was awesome and wanted Annabel’s day to be about her. By the end of it I’d had enough. I made smart arse remarks in response to her stupid comments because I knew I’d never see her again. This woman was so ignorant and into herself she didn’t even realize what was happening. By the end of it she seemed to think we were best friends having a joke so I decided to avoid her entirely. The lucky people that get her for their wedding next haha! Good news is the make-up was fine and if we could have muted her she would have been close to perfect.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Warning: do not browse blogs
I think I know someone else who is faking it right now.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
If you're a bird then I'm a bird
Have you ever had the experience when you meet a complete stranger and instantly it feels like you have known them for years? Then there is the reverse when you see someone you have known for years and it has the awkwardness of a first meeting! Isn’t amazing how certain people can evoke such a range of feelings. Do you think that you can ever be too comfortable too quickly? I am starting to pay attention to my surroundings more and think deeper into certain sayings that stick with me. I was watching The Notebook again the other day and noticed that Noah said Ally was “his home”. I think it’s a beautiful concept! For some people, their life partner becomes “home”. It doesn’t matter where in the world they are; as long as they are together they have the content feeling of “home” and the safety and security it represents. Incredible as it is I don’t see myself ever feeling “at home” in a tent or some mud shack regardless of who I’m with. I do quite love my warm bed, tooth brush and air conditioning!!!
just jump
old people, babies and religion...
Why on earth am I writing on this damn blog?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I tunes love
I have never been someone to go out and buy cd’s but now I have free range on iTunes I can’t stop myself! A simple click of my finger and I have the world at my fingertips. My credit card will bulge as I have been home and bored and as a result my spirited fingers have been saving the music world one album at a time!! I use all my will power but I can’t resist, it’s a true guilty pleasure, that and arrowroot biscuits covered in ice magic and sprinkles. Simple and spectacular! What’s your guilty pleasure?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
News and current affairs, what can we do?
Image from
When engaging in conversations about what is going on in the world I am never able to make a contribution on every topic. Although I take an interest in the news I do not make an effort to know what’s happening on a daily basis. People may have their views on this, my dad for one finds it extraordinarily frustrating. About once a week I click around on the internet for a quick catch up on anything the radio may have missed between songs. If someone mentions something I know nothing about I’ll usually make the effort to catch up if it sounds interesting or important. People always make comments about the things “you should know” but do they think about the things you should do now you know? What good is it to know everything and do nothing about anything?
I think it would be great if there was a section on the news called “how can we help?” without always asking for monitory donations this segment would discuss how we can create change on a grass roots level. Cup cake stalls, letter box drops, donating a bit of our time here and there. On Sunrise the other day they were harping on about the need for abused and neglected children who have been removed and placed into foster care to receive “real care” as apposed the “care” children in foster care currently receive. This would have been the perfect time for them to discuss foster care and thank carers who have already juggled their lives to include a fostered child into their family. Instead they moved on to the next topic. Grr! As someone working in Out-of-Home Care I found this offensive. Their passing comment implied that the care currently being provided by carers isn’t up to an adequate standard. This is an incredibly distorted view of what is really going on. The simple fact is there are not enough registered carers for the number of children who require “real care” because people are watching their news shows and doing nothing in response. Carers are ordinary people doing something extraordinary! They open their hearts, their homes and in the majority of situations their pockets. Children in care are simply children, they require food, a warm bed, baths, patience and love just like any other child. Confidentiality legislation protects these children from being plastered on the news with pictures attached to tug our heart strings like a homeless puppy but they still exist in numbers and require loving homes.
Some people are responding to the news. An abused cat has attracted roughly $6000 worth of donations as it was featured all over current affair shows last week. Six thousand dollars! My opinion is that people only want to hear “the news” if they can sit comfortably sipping their tea and shift the blame, so they can continue on with their lives. The people who abused the cat are labeled as society’s sickest. People wrote in and stated they should be jailed publicly shamed. What if they were abused kids? What if they were burnt and tortured? Would our reaction still be the same? I am not saying it is ok for anyone to behave in this manner but it has to come from somewhere. A fat lot of good watching and playing the blame game is going to do anyone.
I am not saying don’t watch the news. I just think people should try act in response to the issues as well. I think we should watch and consider what part we play in allowing all these things to keep happening. Where do we fit into the system which can’t prevent kids being abused in or out of care, can't provide enough medical assistance in hospitals, allows people to be mugged and bashed as they eat their lunch? They’re the issues touched on today in Sydney alone, I’m not even going to start on where we fit into the bigger picture. So when you do tune into the news rather than just watching maybe start thinking “how can I help?”. Thinking about it is the first step, acting on it is the vital one. I know since writing this I’ll definitely try think and act more.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Labels. Love them or hate them they’re going to stick around! I’ve been spending time with a new man friend for about a month now. It seems to me that we’ve been enjoying each other’s company and all the exciting perks that come with getting to know someone completely new. I know people he knows but have not asked them about him because I want to find out everything for myself as time goes on rather than hearing second hand gossip.
Anyway so far it’s been great! We have hung in there through each other’s hectic lives. The first few times he asked to meet up I had to decline because I had late meetings and had an old friend in town. Then I was on call the second week which meant we had to meet sober at obscure hours and I couldn’t confirm that I’d be there until the minute before. Regardless we had a really nice, chilled “first date” where we talked until the venue asked us to leave so they could close. The third week was quite normal with both of us busy but catching up for a movie and dinner (get into the Greek is so awkward it’s funny) and then dinner at mine when it was too late to go out which was very fun. Finally week four, commencing with me having surgery and becoming house bound. Despite all this he has been pretty wonderful! He’s still sticking around and has been visiting me without calling me a cripple too much. It’s his birthday today and I can’t go out to celebrate, somehow he had managed to make me feel like he really wants me there without making me feel bad because I can’t go, impressive. When he visits he has hung out with my friends and family and actually seemed enjoyed it. The best thing has been that I am not made to feel awkward about my unco foot, it hardly seems to bother him at all. So I’m feeling very happy with what has resulted from meeting a random on the dance floor in a club!
Despite this people still want to know what we are. They need to know if we’re going out or if it’s looking like we will. To put it simply, people need to put pressure on a non pressured situation. Honestly I don’t really care, it’s been four weeks and I think rather than having a label he needs a trophy for hanging in there.
In summary:
1- Occasionally give guys the time of day in clubs when they crack onto you because they could be someone special. Even if it doesn’t turn into an epic love story it could be just what you need.
2- Label things it your own time.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I'm still tall
In one day I had my graduation, went shopping and went clubbing. All these events involved a HUGE number of tall comments!!!! Probably more comments in one day than ever before.
Standing at the counter buying a top with my mum. - MUM IS 5 foot 4.
Shop assistant: wow you're tall, where did you get your height from?
ME: My mum, can't you tell.
I had to turn around because her reaction was so funny I couldn't hold in the giggles!!!
Working with kids who don't live with their biological families I am constantly thinking about how I would react to these comments if I had did not know my biological family and was adopted or fostered by a family of shorties. Comments like these would remind these kids every day that they were the odd one out in their new family.
Honestly I think I had about 35 tall comments directed to my face in one day. Not to mention all those which I could hear when I walked past. People are shockers. I hope fugly people don't face this number of comments on their appearance.
Friday, May 21, 2010
New Graduate
Yesterday I graduated, FINALLY!!! 4 years, a hundred billion essays and thousands of dollars spent on transport and fees, I made it! It was a surreal moment when I put on my gown and hat and held my piece of paper loud and proud. All through uni I have loved watching people on their graduation day. The uni comes to life with the babble of excited chatter and when you watch everyone in their academic dress it’s easy to imagine you have slipped into a Harry Potter book! I’d have to say that wearing the gown and hat was the absolute highlight of the event! Actually walking onto stage and collecting the certificate was slightly scary but running around with my friends in our “dress ups” made everything so special. I was left feeling very disheartened when I had to hand back my gown and hat and wear my normal clothes, knowing that to repeat that moment it would take many more years of study!
This got me thinking, is everything more fun when you get to wear dress ups? Maybe the 4 year old boys we pass at the shops have the right idea when they are dressed head to toe like superman! Or little girls who hop around on the spot dressed as fairies as they wait for their mums to finish chatting to other s in the street. Kids at that age don’t know “what’s hot and what’s not” in the same way that we do. They just wear what makes them feel good- even if this means wearing a skivvy under your princess dress in winter to keep mum happy! Recently when I have been dressing for work I have tried to add a touch of fun every day. I’ll add on a fancy head band or sparkly shoes to an otherwise boring outfit at the last moment. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the mundane routines which make up our days, our weeks and our years, it’s important to jazz it up a bit. Compare young boys wearing superman suits to grown men wearing business suits while doing the shopping and think about who is enjoying life more in that moment…
The sad thing is, we get old and boring and a 50 year old man shopping in a spiderman suit doesn’t have the same sweet charm as a little kid- in fact he may require a mental health check! I find it hard to believe that a lady dressed as a fairy would ever make it as CEO in a work place. So while we have to wait for themed parties to go all out with our outfits, I think it is important on a daily basis to add on a wacky tie or a few too many bangles to add some sparkle to our days.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
love my friends, hate their cameras
Below are a few photos of people who have been snapped in the act. Laugh away, hopefully none of these images include you…
Monday, May 17, 2010
It seems to me that there comes a time where you grow up and really appreciate what you have. In the day to day grind of work and mundane activities we sometimes forget how lucky we are. For some, it only takes a short weekend away to realise exactly what they have. For me I have found that after having the same group of girl friends for over a decade we often get on each other’s nerves. Over the past 12 months I have started to see that when push comes to shove we are there for each other when it really counts. “Frenemies” relates to the friendship where people are friends to your face but enemies the moment you turn your back. I have to say, me and my girls are the opposite. Face to face we can often give each other hell but with my back turned I know these are the girls who will jump to my defense. We’re the lucky ones, for now we still have the opportunity to get away, have a few drinks and a sing along to reunite. I hate to think of the number of friendships which go down the drain due to not having the time to maintain them. Like anything worth having, friendships- strong and enduring ones, take work. I hope 20 years from now we can put children, jobs, partners, houses, pets and other responsibilities on hold and have a weekend together, drinking and dancing, passing out with five in a bed and then waking in the morning for a cup of tea and chatter filled with giggles and moments when we say “oh remember back when we…”
I blame hallmark and soppy quotes scribbled across girls high school folders for the unrealistic expectations we place on our friends. No matter how much we care about people we are not super heroes and therefore it is impossible for us to know their feelings at every time of the day. There is this idea that a good friend should be able to know we need them without us even asking. I believe this is a common misconception which could have terrible repercussions. Part of being a good friend is respecting that people have their own lives and may not always be able to think of our feelings so we may need to give them the heads up. This doesn’t mean they care any less it just means they too have lives, and really who wants a friend who doesn’t have a life of their own! I reckon the best kind of friendship is one in which we may have to ask for help, but we can rest assured knowing it’s only a phone call away.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Image stolen from
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about “sheeping”. Sheeping, in case you aren’t already familiar with the term, refers to those commonly known as” followers”. Sheeping is the act of following another person’s actions or decisions in an attempt to remain dependent, stuck on mainstream activities and avoid the possibility of- heaven forbid, doing something different to your friends or colleagues. I am guilty of beign a sheep at times. Over time I have seen that I really respect the decisions and judgments of a certain co worker so in situations when I am unsure of my opinion I tend to let hers influence mine. Problem? I think not. In social situations I may be slightly sheepish, if I am invited to two things in one night and I can’t decide I may base my decision based on being excited to see certain people at one event. So I guess we all have an inner sheep. Bad I have to say, when you are trying to organise an event and no one wants to be the first to confirm their attendance in case they are the only ones, it’s damn annoying!
Monday, May 10, 2010
72 thanks to you!
Dear Phantom readers,
I am pleased to announce my blog has had 72 views! As much as my only follower (my sister) loves me, I am pretty sure she does not make up the entire 72 views. I am assuming she would answer for about 68 so here is the big question… where did the other four hits come from!? From now on my plan is to get people addicted to the word vomit I spill here, then change my settings so you have to join to read, finally I’d be able to find out who you are so I could send you a card to say thanks for allowing me to waste your precious time.
I can hardly blame you for not wanting to click “follow” and admit you check in here every now and then, funnily enough, here I sit, too embarrassed to admit to people I actually write this dribble. So, what loads blogs up with the dork factor so much? The reality is, if half my friends found out about this space they would pull out their thermometers and check my health! Really though, they should be happy about it! If we keep in mind what a chatter box I am, I’d have to say that this blog is doing a public service! Now, after finding the words, the time and the energy to type an entry on here, the last thing I can be bothered doing is talking about the same stuff, thus, saving my friends from being subjected to my useless rants for hours on end.
So thank you Mr Blog and phantom readers, one day I hope to be able to repay you!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
teary me
Photo stolen from:
I must confess that I am glad to be one of those dorks who cries in movies. I love a good film that sucks me in to the extent that I feel genuine emotions. I think it takes strength to block out everything else and become so intensely involved with what’s in front of you. So, if you ever sat through “Marley and Me” without floods of tears exploding out of your eyes I think you need to get your tear ducts checked, similarly, I’d be concerned if you sat through the proposal without sliding down your seat with laughter. That is all; I thought you may be wondering…
Back to school...
Last night I took a step backwards and forwards all at once. I went to my old school to talk about my “career” with current students. The school considered this event as an opportunity to inspire young girls to seek work in the future, not just husbands/financial providers. With nothing to lose I went along feeling very mature. I knew that at the very least this would give me a chance to say “I told you so” to all the teachers who saw very little in my future.
As I got ready that morning I thought about what I could wear that would show I was successful and committed I am to my “profession” while still maintaining that individual streak they complained about in my school reports. I chucked on my favourite work skirt- cute and classy, with my most comfortable and practical work shoes and I wore a black top in case I spilt a little lunch down my front throughout the day. Finally I opened a new packet of black stockings to show my school teachers that, five years on I could finally manage an entire day without laddering my stockings!
I arrived at the old school gates, locked the company car, and turned both my work phone and personal phone on silent- I thought damn I wish I was on pager right now! Anyway, I felt good. I was a bit late which is to be expected from a working girl, but I had informed them previously that this would be the case. I bumped into an old teacher Mr G, who said that he was pleased to have a representative from my family here and was thrilled to see my name on the list. I wanted to say, “I would have been thrilled to see my family represented on a few more trophies around the school” but I bit my tongue, he was a good teacher so I wasn’t going to give him a hard time. I politely responded that I was happy to come and share the knowledge I had acquired since school, then I was quickly swept away for supper with the other “mentors”.
To my surprise a girl who tends to ignore me on public transport approached and talked to me (interrupting the conversation I was already in)
Her: Emily! What are you working as?
Me: I’m a social worker
Her: Oh, do you even have to go to uni for that? I thought it was TAFE or something.
Me: Yes four years full time. So where are you working?
Her: Oh I’m still at uni, I don’t actually work while I study
Me: Well when u do graduate and start full time work, out paths may cross. I work a lot in family law.
Anyway the point of this post is to remind people that others will ALWAYS try put you down. Work hard and let their remarks slide, one day it will be your turn!!!
FYI- I got home and tripped over my dog, I ripped a massive hole in my stockings and took all the skin off my knee and hands, some things never change!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I'm tall, thanks for telling me 50 times!
Standing at over six feet tall I am subjected to multiple tall comments the moment I leave my house. This weekend I did not even have to step outside my front gate as we invited over a hundred guests into our home for my sister’s engagement party. As a result tall comments were delivered directly to my door!! It’s not at all that I mind my height, I don’t! What I find frustrating is the idea that it’s not rude to tell someone fifty times over that they are tall, but if you make one comment on someone’s weight, race or shortness you automatically become the worst person in the world! Society has complete double standards about tall comments, it’s enough to make me wish I was much taller so my head could be in the clouds and their comments could be directed at my bum, that way I could really meet them with the response they deserve. The issue is that I constantly have to bite my tongue when fatties and hobbits tell me I’m tall over and OVER again!! I have tried many ways of meeting these comments however my evil twin has other ideas,
HOBBIT says: Oh my god, you are soooo tall
EVIL TWIN says: really, I didn’t know! Am I as tall as you are ugly?
HOBBIT says: You’re like the tallest girl I have ever seen. Do you find it hard to meet men your height?
EVIL TWIN says: surely someone as vertically challenged as you would know size doesn’t matter.
Finally, I struggle most to resist the temptation to state the obvious,
FAT MAN says: Wow you’re like a giant! How tall are you?
EVIL TWIN says: A bit over six foot. You’re super fat! How much do you weigh?
The moral to the story is, I leave people’s fatness, ugliness, shortness, boringness and stupidity alone. It’s time for them to back off on my tallness!!!
Cartoon from:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
to blog or to blogger off?
Image taken from
Recently I have resisted the temptation to write here in order to re assert who has control of the blogging situation. I found myself looking at my life thinking “oh that would make a great blog” or “oh no, today wasn’t that exciting, I have nothing to blog about.” I hope to avoid the personal pressure of writing a daily or weekly blog to ensure that I only write at times when I have something genuinely interesting to say… I understand that the entire two people who read this lead moderately busy lives and therefore do not want to be held up as I blab on about something totally uninspiring and bland. If I have nothing to write, I simply won’t write. This brings me to today, I really have nothing to say. My room has returned to its usual messy state, men are frustrating and fabulous, work is busy, tea is awesome and all the conversation that occurs in my home is related to wedding plans. Therefore, from where I am standing everything is normal in the world making it a good time to hit the hay!
Oh, check this out a taxi driver in Sydney blogs about his experiences, I find it fascinating. Everyone has always thought that taxi drivers must see some pretty crazy stuff, now we can hear it from the horse’s mouth!
p.s. I suggest you continue to read my blog even if you do decide you enjoy the blogs of the taxi driver, I can be interesting too. Share the love!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Mmmmm Thai
Last night I ordered my Thai take away online! All I did is run (or hop) up the stairs, click a few little buttons and typed in the following instructions for delivery man “Dear Delivery person, please make sure our Thai is yummy, hot and kept away from our dog Sasha. Please come to the room with the light on. Thank you very much; we’re looking forward to it!! See you soon, The Thailovers!” Who knew that you could not only do most things without leaving your house, you can also avoid talking to people all together and still get your delicious dinner delivered to your door. Life if becoming more and more convenient for people with agoraphobia, hopefully all these home delivery services through the internet are not breading social problems. Like me, sitting at home writing my blog haha. I have an injured foot, what’s your excuse?
P.s I highly recommend Season Thai Gordon at their Salt and Pepper Squid wasn't the best but everything else was out of this world! Best thing is no charge for delivery to some areas.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Take Whatever: What's your talent?
Through pure laziness and unwillingness to focus on a show of substance, I found myself watching Australia’s got talent earlier in the week. Being a massive fan of musical theatre I, like the judges, was swept off my feet by a 12 year old girl’s rendition of “Popular” from the musical “Wicked”.
I find it unbelievable that at such a young age children are blessed with talents that, for the moment, they are too young to comprehend. Have a look, if you don’t love her I’d have to assume you were a little loopy!
See what I mean! Anyway this awakening got me thinking about talents, surprise, surprise! Isn’t it amazing that it seems to take a show like this for countries to stop and identify that, hiding in unsuspecting pockets all over the world, are people with secret gems, gifts of their own waiting to be shared, like chickens sitting on fresh eggs. The astonishing is that they may not be aware of their abilities yet, or they may never recognize them themselves , let alone have it seen by others.
It astounds me that, on occasion people become reluctant to share their talents with others. Is tall poppy syndrome so prevalent that people can’t play the talent card without feeling the wrath of envois onlookers? To Brianna bishop, at the time she walked on stage and performed her song, there is no possible way she could have envisaged all the smiles she would soon put on people’s faces as they paused the mundane activities of their daily lives for a moment to share in her experience. In a way, it was disheartening to watch the world stop in such astonishment over Susan Boyle, as, why shouldn’t we expect people from ordinary lives hold amazing gifts ready to be shared with anyone willing to listen.
Hopefully, shows such as these, encourage people to come forward on whatever level and acknowledge their abilities, allowing at least one other person to experience their success with them. I find that talents are more willingly accepted if they are tangible. If you can’t sing, you can’t dance, can’t write or manipulate your body in crazy and somewhat disturbing ways, people may not be as accepting of what you have to offer. I think confidence in your abilities is the first step in sharing them more fully. Maybe that’s a good place to start.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Take Ten: Messy Mind Madness
Photo thanks to
After months of having a disgusting messy room I have finally restored it to its original form. It feels damn good!!! I am looking forward to climbing into my freshly made bed tonight with my crisp sheets and fluffy bed spread. I woke up this morning and knew where my clothes were. This meant I had so much extra time I slotted in breakfast, made a salad and had a play with little Sasha. I felt better about myself knowing that my jeans had been hanging rather than kicking around the floor.
When I did hospitality we were told that a messy cooking space created a messy meal. I must say, a messy room equals a messy mind. The filing cabinets in my brain are finally thanking me now everything has its spot. Although not all my thoughts are sorted, complete, or ordered at least they are getting closer to where they are supposed to be. So to my fellow mess makers, clean your rooms. Believe it or not you may actually enjoy the outcome.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Take Nine: Bubble Boy
This got me thinking about the bubble boy, wondering if my extensive list of previous injuries would allow me to become a member of some exclusive “Unco’s Only Club”, UOC- it has a good ring to it don’t you think?
Anyway, with a little bit of Wikipedia action I was able to feel less sorry for myself. Turns out this poor child by the name of David Vetter lived his entire life in a bubble. At 10 seconds old he was placed into a plastic cocoon only to be touched by plastic gloves until moments before his death at age 12 when, while he was in a coma, his mother finally touched him with her bare hand. This little boy had always wanted to try Coke after seeing it on TV and hearing about it from his friends. It was one of the first things he asked for when he was taken out of the bubble before he died but the doctors said no due to his frail condition. This child spent his life as a science experiment, often becoming a bit of a celebrity attraction as they visited to have a stare at the fascinating yet barbaric situation. After hearing the expression “bubble boy” for years I had never fully understood the horrendous context it evolved from. So, a little heads up, you do not want to be the next person to use that expression around me.
Tomorrow when I wake up I should embrace the sun knowing I am not in a controlled environment which prevents me from feeling different temperatures. I should be glad that if my dad nags I can give him a good whack without worrying about encountering fatal germs, I should be greatful I have had the opportunity to try milk and a variety of food even if I’m not in the mood for toast, and finally I should attempt to see the positives in my bung foot. I had the opportunity to travel the world, where I stuffed my foot having the time of my life.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Take Eight: Tea- A Cup of Life
I have to say, tea really is a cup of life, and possibly the solution to all the world's problems. After an exhausting day I arrived home in that awkward time of the evening. Everyone is familiar with this moment, when you realise it is too late for a snack but dinner is almost ready. My mind was a jumble and the idea of deciding what to nibble just seemed too much for my brain to bear. Pondering what would help me last until dinner I decided that tea and Tim Tams were the answer. I opened the Tim Tam tin to find my trusty brother in law had cleaned them out again. Slightly disheartened by this I proceeded to make myself a milky, sweet cup of perfection. Immediately I felt revived, to top it all off, my mug of choice was ready and waiting for me rather than abandoning me for the dishwasher.
So I have to say, thank you Mr Twinings, with or without Tim Tams you continue to be heaven in a mug.
Every sly comment I am subjected to about how I am a control freak when it comes to the order in which my tea is constructed is well and truly worth it when I sit down to my mug of peace and quiet.
It seems that I am not at all alone in my love of a cuppa, I was astonished by the number of quotes online about the timeless goodness that is tea.
Here are my favorites:
1. There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~Bernard-Paul Heroux
2. a religion of the art of life. ~Okakura
3. Tea's proper use is to amuse the idle, and relax the studious, and dilute the full meals of those who cannot use exercise, and will not use abstinence. ~Samuel Johnson
4. There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. ~Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady
5. If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you. ~Gladstone, 1865
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Take Seven: Races fever!
Yesterday, my friend and I treated ourselves to a day at the races. This is pretty much the perfect day in my mind. Lets take a look at the obvious benefits
1) Daytime drinking: after drinking yesterday for roughly 12 hours I woke up this morning feeling perfect!!! It’s currently 8:00am and I am as right as rain!
2) Girls in dresses: Yesterday I think I saw every dress currently for sale in Sydney. Not joking! Every style of dress and accessory was on show. There were people wearing fascinators twice the size of their heads! Personally I am a huge people watcher and seeing how tan in a can and a pretty dress can change a girl’s self esteem from zero to hero in seconds never ceases to amaze me!
3) Boys in suits: Even the saddest looking males can feel spunky in a suit. If fitted properly a basic black suit and shirt can make a hedgehog look spiffy! Above all this, yesterday I found that suits make males more gentlemanly. I lapped it up as men stepped out of the way, or held open the door as ladies past- even if it was only so they could get a cheeky stare from behind. If this is what the world used to be like I think I could handle it.
4) Talking: I openly admit I am quite the little chatter box. When clubbing, it is hard to ear bash people over the sound of whatever doof doof is playing. Yesterday I had some of the best conversations with randoms ever! It seems that when you socialize throughout the day people become more real and approachable. Yesterday we met an awesome bunch of randoms when we realized we were all waving our tickets in the air yelling “go number two!!”. Even though our horse didn’t place, I felt like a winner, I made new drinking buddies, whilst enjoying the opportunity to scream and yell like an idiot publicly, about something I knew nothing about.
5) Finally, I’ve never been a gambler but betting on the horses has to be the way to do it. Yesterday I could not wipe the smile off my face! After grinning like a maniac for 8 hours straight I am surprised I can move my mouth this morning. I got a huge thrill out of pushing through a sea of people to the TAB whilst debating with a stallion of the male form about which horse would win based on their pretty names. Then we faced the mad rush back to the green as the red lights were flashing and the race was about to start. I ended my betting days $2.50 down but I think that is a small price to pay...
All in all, the races are a great day out! Hopefully next weekend I will be standing on the green, wearing a funny hat, once again screaming about something I know nothing about.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Take Six... Travel Bugs
In recent times I have found that it is common for people from my demographic to have friends all over the world. Currently my friends have been stolen by America, Holland, Canada, France, Mexico, Scotland, New Zealand and finally the biggest friend thief of them all, England- specifically London! Once you combine all the communication technologies available it is a wonder we even notice people have left home soil. We can Skype, email, Facebook and text travelling friends as if they were living around the corner. In my parent’s generation if someone went travelling it basically meant that apart from the occasional postcard, those back home would rarely hear from their loved ones. This meant that a big farewell party was necessary. Having just completed roughly four years filled with 21st cellebrations I am now faced with “farewell party” season. Another welcomed excuse to drink too much, stay out all night and laugh as friends fly out of Sydney still tipsy following the events of the previous evening. For me, farewell parties such as these are followed by a day recovering, moping about how much I will miss my friend. Then, less than 24 hours later, text messages and phone calls begin roll in, alas, it’s as if they never left! I’m not complaining about this at all, in fact- I love it! Sitting up all night feels completely justified if you are talking to a friend overseas. Thanks to Facebook we can share in every traveler’s experience as photo updates serve to remind us of what we are missing out on. But what is the effect of this on those who stay home?
I sit here loving my job but not feeling as settled as I should. I can only link this to the after effects of the travel bug. I speak from experience. I am lucky to hold a passport full of stamps. I have been to roughly 100 cities in 15 countries. For me, the only thing threatening to uproot my newly planted career tree is exposure to the international adventures of my friends. I am in the habit of looking up flights all over the world as I procrastinate by dreaming about far away adventures. I feel that once issued with passports, patrons should receive the following warning.
WARNING: Use of this device may lead to addictions. Handle with care and if symptoms persist seek immediate attention.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Take Five... Drinking
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
PS Puppy
Take Four... Scary Sasha
Last year I became an official dog foster carer. I was full of anticipation as we drove for 2 hours to collect our new furry friend. Mum and I agreed that if we got there and the dog was a mental we would turn around and go home, leaving the dog to be put to sleep. In hindsight I find that hard to fathom.
I smiled in disbelief the entire way whilst mum attempted to look unimpressed but her nervous smile broke through. Mum repeatedly shook her head and said “I can’t believe I am taking you to get a bloody dog”. We arrived at a shack surrounded with wire fences. Looking through the wire were dirty animals of all kinds, ducks, horses, sheep, cats, you name it they had it. The tin shed made everything echo hightening the level of terrified barking that could be heard. Without looking at the other dogs I went to see Sasha, I had to remain focused or else I would have taken them all home. In the end of the cage was a timid little black ball with her tail between her legs. They had kept her in “the kill kennel” in case we did not arrive to collect her. Sasha had only been there 6 days!!! Taking in a strange old dog is an obvious risk, but one look at her- so vulnerable and pathetically helpless sealed the deal. If the Aussie thing to do is "back the underdog" we are as pure as they come!
People always go on about how lucky Sasha is to have found us but honestly she makes my day every day. She is such a dork that when her tail wags she almost falls over. She is lazy and struggles to make furry friends as she doesn't differentiate between dogs and sheep. She sits with me as I sip my tea and will watch ”Friends” re runs without attempting to steal the remote. She only demands food, pats, walks and special attention when it rains. Apart from that she just wants to make me happy, which she does. The organization told me I was a “failed puppy foster carer” for keeping Sasha but that is a title I am willing to wear.
The week I got Sasha I read in a Lorna Jane catalogue (the source of all knowledge and inspiration) that you should “do something every day that scares you”, for me this motto has paid off. I must admit I forget most days, like right now- its 7:40pm and am running out of time. I think my scary task for today may be cleaning a bit of my room. You may be sitting there thinking “that’s not scary!” obviously you have never been in my room!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Take Three: Sound...
In my experience spending time by the sea makes you grow accustomed to the sound of crashing waves. I am sure people who live on train lines will tell us that after a while the sound blends into the background of their day to day life unnoticed. In the building next to my office live a group of disabled children. One of these children makes a constant loud humming sound every moment he is awake. In my first week I decided the sound must have come from some sort of wind tunnel, noticing that the sound remained unchanged in all weather conditions I asked another worker about it. Her response was “it must be the sound of a child next door, I don’t hear it anymore”. Today I thought back on this conversation and realized that suddenly I don't hear him either unless focus hard enough. I have become so used to the sound of his struggle that I don’t notice it anymore. It makes me wonder, how much in life can we train ourselves to ignore when it is staring us in the face, or ringing in our ears…
Monday, March 29, 2010
Take Two... Super Keen
Today marks 7 weeks since I first entered the world of full time work. Two years of preschool, thirteen years of school, four years of uni, and here I am. When I entered my new office on the first day they had a sign up in the kitchen it read “Welcome Emily” I feel as though the sign above would have been more appropriate! My welcome sign featured two images, one of a computer and the other a phone. This should have been enough of a warning that “reality” is not sitting on the uni lawn eating sushi with girls. Ignoring the signs I remained “Keen”. I washed down my cake quickly so I could return to my desk. When my first phone call came I was filled with excitement as I could finally put my social work skills to good use. Little did I know at the time that these phone calls would never stop and seven weeks on the sound of my phone ringing would send shivers down my spine. Despite this, I love my job so far! My colleagues are experienced hard workers that make me want to pick their brains, and they kindly fuel my Tim Tam addiction on a daily basis. So here I sit, eagerly awaiting my first week on pager duty. I can't wait to be on the job 24 hours a day for 1 week learning on my feet in stressful situations. If the pager doesn’t go off all week I think I’ll cry!!!